Friday, October 31, 2008
Blogs: Fuites et liens radioactifs
Je vais vous proposer encore un peu de maths et de technique, pour vous expliquer une autre modif, beaucoup plus mineure, celle-là, mais puisque j'ai promis de tout vous dire, vous allez devoir maintenant me supporter ! Vous vous souvenez peut-être que quand j'ai pris le dossier en main, les liens étaient comptés avec un poids de 1 pendant 4 mois et puis tout d'un coup au bout de cette période ils n'étaient plus comptés du tout, c'est-à-dire prenaient un poids de 0. Il en résultait des "Wikio Dances" pas très souhaitables. Car s'il faut du mouvement, comme cela a été dit maintes fois en commentaires, il ne faut pas non plus que ça ressemble à du mouvement brownien (surtout dans les profondeurs du classement). Pressé par le temps, j'avais fait implémenter une rustine, qui consistait à donner aux liens un poids décroissant de façon linéaire sur 9 mois. Pas génial.
Une approche plus propre consiste à utiliser, là aussi, une décroissance exponentielle, une fonction décidément bien utile, qui peut servir à modéliser toutes les situations où une quantité décroît d'un taux proportionnel à sa valeur. On peut imaginer bien des façons pour les liens de perdre de leur force dans le temps, mais la façon qui me séduit le plus est celle-là. C'est aussi celle des éléments radioactifs (à propos de fuites...) Vous avez sans doute entendu parler de période radioactive ou de demi-vie. C'est le temps qu'il faut pour pour que la moitié des atomes d'un isotope radioactif se désintègre naturellement. Et plus elle longue, plus c'est embêtant dans le cas des déchets... Pour le krypton (allô, Superman ?) c'est 11 ans, pour le thorium plusieurs milliards d'années (mieux vaut ne pas en avoir trop dans sa cave !).
Pour les liens j'ai choisi deux mois. On pourrait bien sûr discuter de ce choix, et on pourra l'ajuster. Le premier mois, un lien vaut 1, le mois suivant 0,707 (à peu près : c'est la racine carée de 1/2...), le troisième mois (qui correspond à la demi-vie) 0,5 et ainsi de suite. Attention, contrairement à ce qu'on croît souvent la radioactivité ne disparaît pas au bout de deux fois la demi-vie ! Au bout de 22 ans vous aurez toujours du krypton, mais la moitié de la moitié. Et ainsi de suite... La courbe est la suivante :
Au bout de quatre mois, il reste 0,25, et après c'est vrai qu'il ne reste plus grand chose, mais un petit peu tout de même et ça suffit pour faire la différence pour des blogs qui sont quasi orphelins dans les profondeurs du classement. N'oublions pas que ce sont les valeurs relatives qui comptent, et donc celui qui a un vieux lien qui vaut 0,04 passe devant celui qui a un lien encore plus vieux qui vaut 0,03. Mais en aucun cas ils ne sont en compétition avec des blogs qui ont des liens "frais". C'est voulu, comme ça tout le monde a sa chance et le classement nous permet de faire des découvertes. Sinon ce serait ennuyeux comme la pluie (radioactive ?).
Le classement sera publié lundi. Il y a plein de bonnes surprises... Évidemment ce blog monte comme une flèche (entrée dans le top 10). Ça ne me plaît qu'à moitié parce que les mauvaises langues vont sûrement dire que je règle les paramètres pour me faire monter, ce qui n'est pas le cas. Mais bon. La caravane passe. Vous n'aviez qu'à pas me lier comme des malades. Mon billet sur la naissance de Wikio Labs a été le plus lié de septembre, toutes catégories confondues, et j'ai l'impression que celui sur les "entrailles du classement Wikio" a atteint des sommets en octobre aussi... La preuve que ça vous intéresse, quand même, vous ne feriez pas ça juste pour me faire plaisir ?
Sur ce, mon cheval m'attend. Un peu de détente me fera du bien !
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The "It's close To Midnight and Something Evil's Lurking in The Dark" Halloween Cupcakes
Red Devil Cupcakes photographed as darkness falls across the land: The Midnight Hour Is Close At Hand. Can't you just hear Vincent Price laughing his head off?
These cupcakes are a shoutout to my niece, Kimmie...whose birthday is today. She lives in Spokane, Washington. So, if you see Kim today, but sure to tell her HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Rock On!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
KINGSTON: Rolling Back a Coup d'Etat on Barriere Lake Algonquin Territory
Where: Watson Rm 217, Queen's University campus
When: 5:30pm on Thursday, December 4th
What: Marylynn Poucachiche, Barriere Lake community spokesperson, and Suzanne Decoursay, a volunteer teacher from Barriere Lake, speaking in Kingston in both Algonquin and English.
Film screening: Blockade on the 117 (12 mins, 2008) []
* Donations encourgaed. Food and drinks available
For more information click here
KINGSTON: Rolling Back a Coup d'Etat on Barriere Lake Algonquin Territory
When: 5:30pm on Thursday, December 4th
What: Marylynn Poucachiche, Barriere Lake community spokesperson, and Suzanne Decoursay, a volunteer teacher from Barriere Lake, speaking in Kingston in both Algonquin and English.
Film screening: Blockade on the 117 (12 mins, 2008) []
* Donations encourgaed. Food and drinks available
After exhausting all political avenues, on October 6th and recently on November 19th the Algonquins of Barriere Lake blockaded Highway 117 in northern Quebec. They were demanding the Canadian and Quebec governments honour their signed agreements, for co-management of their traditional territory and resource revenue sharing, and that Canada undo the coup d'etat by sending in an observer to oversee their Customary governance selection process. Both times, the community, including Elders, youth and children, were met with a brutal police responsee -- riot cops kicked, pushed, drew a handgun and used tear gas and pain compliance -- instead of negotiators. [ ]
On December 4th a caravan of community members and a few Montreal supporters will be hitting the road to visit First Nations communities facing similar struggles: sovereignty, Aboriginal rights and title, and defending their lands from excessive resource extraction. Kingston will be the first stop. Come join us!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Color Box
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Let's Feel Up Our Own Boobies - Here's the Technique
Last night I attended a Breast Cancer Awareness event at the Hue Man Bookstore in Harlem, NY thrown by The Lit Leaders Rosalind Mclymont, Linda A. Duggins, Esther Armah and Renee Daniel Flagler. I learned so much and was completely inspired to come home and feel up my boobs on camera just for you. There's a song and everything.
Whoo Hoo! I am willing to completely embarrass myself to save your life. Oh, and for post menopausal women, disregard the period part of the technique.
Abiola Abrams
Friday, October 24, 2008
NATIVE RIGHTS UNDER LOCK & KEY: Rallies to support the Algonquins of Barriere Lake and jailed Customary Chief Benjamin Nottaway
WEDNESDAY, January 7th, 2008, NOON
WHERE: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Corner of Wellington and Montcalm in GATINEAU
MARCH to the Gatineau Detention Centre, 75 Rue St. Francois
In front of Jean Charest's office
corner of McGill College & Sherbrooke
WED, JAN 7th: Join us in Ottawa in front of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for speeches by Barriere Lake spokespeople, Elizabeth May of the Green Party, NDP parliamentarians, representatives from the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, formerly jailed leadership from Ardoch First Nation, and others. Then march to the Hull Detention Centre, where Benjamin Nottaway, the 28-year old Acting Chief of Barriere Lake and father of six, will be spending the holidays.
THURS, JAN 8th: Join us in Montreal in front of Jean Charest's office.
* Bring banners, signs, placards, noise-makers...
**Hot chocolate and snacks will be served at both rallies.
Benjamin Nottaway, the 28-year old Customary Chief of Barriere Lake and father of six, will be spending the holidays in jail. He is a political prisoner of the governments of Quebec and Canada, who would rather jail an Indigenous leader for peaceful protest than honour landmark agreements and respect a community's customary leadership selection process.
Nottaway's imprisonment for two months is only the latest chapter in the long and difficult struggle of Barriere Lake, a small Algonquin community three hours north of Ottawa in Northern Quebec. Seeing their forests devastated by clear-cut logging, they compelled Canada and Quebec to sign an internationally praised sustainable development agreement in 1991. The agreement was intended to give them joint management of 10,000 square kilometres of their traditional territory and benefits from the resource extraction on their land – $100 million is taken annually in logging, hydro-electricity, recreational hunting and tourism, and they have never received a cent.
But the Canadian government pulled out of the binding agreement in 2001, and Quebec has stalled on its implementation since 2006, despite recommendations issued by provincial and community negotiators. To avoid their obligations under these agreements, the federal Department of Indian Affairs has repeatedly interfered in the internal governance of the community, which selects their leaders according to a customary method. In March, the Canadian government ousted Chief Nottaway and his Council and recognized a faction not supported by the community's majority and whom the Elder's Council says were not legitimately selected. Since then, Barriere Lake has mounted a campaign to have the Quebec and Canadians governments honour their agreements and for the federal government to resolve the leadership crisis by appointing an observer to witness and respect the outcome of a legitimate leadership re-selection.
Their political appeals ignored or dismissed, community members of all ages peacefully blockaded highway 117 outside their reserve in October and November. They asked for federal and provincial negotiators, but on both occasions the Canadian government washed its hands of responsibility while Quebec sent in riot squads, which brutally dismantled the blockades. In October they used tear-gas on a crowd that included Elders, youth, and children, and hospitalized a band councilor with tear-gas neck burns, and the following month they made targeted arrests of community spokespeople and Customary Chief Nottaway. More than 40 people in the community of 450 have received serious criminal charges for the peaceful political protest. (To view the video, click here.)
In court in early December, the Crown asked the provincial Judge "to send a clear message to the community," and the Judge complied. "When I was in court my lawyer told me, 'The Crown wants you to suffer, they want you to feel the pain.' They asked for 12 months, but I got 45 days," said Nottaway in an interview with the Globe and Mail. "I'm a political prisoner, and they know that. It's all politically motivated." (To read the entire article click here.)
The only message the government of Canada is sending is that they are willing to play with the lives of Indigenous people to avoid implementing precedent-setting agreements.
Join Barriere Lake community members in Ottawa while they demand that the Canadian government live up to its promises, respect the Algonquin's customary government, and stop collaborating with Quebec in the criminalization of an entire community and its leadership.
Respect signed agreements! Release all First Nations political prisoners!
Green Party supports Mitchikanibikok Inik
November 21, 2008
Montreal/- The Green Party of Canada is calling for an investigation into the infringement of the rights of the Mitchikanibikok Inik, also known as the Algonquin of Barriere Lake, particularly their right to peaceful assembly. There have been reports this week of tear gas and police violence during a protest at this First Nation, involving a crowd which included Elders and children.
The protest was to draw attention to the failure of government to honour the 1991 Tri-lateral Agreement and the 1998 Bi-lateral agreement signed with Canada and Quebec. The recommendations of these agreements are meant to protect Algonquin land uses, including conservation of forest and wildlife, and also improve these peoples dire economic situation.
"It is not enough to apologize to Canada's First Nation's, they need help in a real way to address the continually deteriorating conditions on reserves and support to realize true self-government," said Green Party Leader Elizabeth May.
In 1989, Ms. May worked to help set up the office for the Trilateral Commission on behalf of this First Nation along with former MP and former Quebec Environment Minister the Honourable Clifford Lincoln. "The Algonquin of Barriere Lake have shown extraordinary patience in the face of governmental interference and foot-dragging," said Ms. May.
John Bennett
Director of Communications
Green Party of Canada
Phone: 613 562-4916 ext. 230
Cell: 613 291 6888
Fax: 613 482-4632
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
McCain / Palin Haiku Contest Finalists Announced
ANALOG AFRICA No.4 - Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou
Funk & Sato from Benin´s Obscure Labels
14 tracks compilation available on CD and double vinyl (Release Date November 3rd)
Few sentences to announce the release of my 4th Compilation. I have been working on this project for a very long time and I must admit its a dream becoming reality now.
It will see day-light on November 3rd in the UK and World-Wide on November 21st!! The CD comes with a MASSIVE 44 pages booklet containing super rare pictures of the band and obscure record covers.
It will be available on October 20th exclusively from Analog Africa, two weeks before the official release date in the UK. If you would like to purchase your copy contact me here:
Spread the Word and MANY THANKS for the support!!
Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou is arguably West Africa’s best-kept secret. Their output, both in quantity and quality, was astonishing. During several trips to Benin, Samy Ben Redjeb managed to collect roughly 500 songs which Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou had recorded between 1970 and 1983. With so much material to choose from Samy decided to split it into Volume 1 and 2.
While Volume 2 will be material the band recorded under an exclusive contract with the label Albarika Store, the band also “secretly” recorded with an array of smaller labels based around Cotonou, Benin’s largest city, and Porto Novo, the capital city of Benin Republic. It is those tracks (all officially licensed) that are presented here on Volume 1.
The producers of those labels were genuine music enthusiasts, some of them, ran these labels as a part time occupation, with very limited budgets. They couldn’t afford high-quality recordings - all they had to work with was a Nagra (a Swiss made reel-to-reel recorder) and a sound engineer - courtesy of the national radio station. These sessions were recorded in private homes using just one or two microphones.
The cultural and spiritual riches of traditional Beninese music had an immense impact on the sound of Benin’s modern music. Benin is the birthplace of Vodun (also Vodoun, or, as it is known in the West, Voodoo), a religion which involves the worship of some 250 sacred divinities. The rituals used to pay tributes to those divinities are always backed by music. The majority of the complex poly-rhythms of the vodun are still more or less secret and difficult to decipher, even for an accomplished musician. Anthropologists and ethnomusicologists agree that this religion constitutes the principal “cultural bridge” between Africa and all its Diasporas of the New World and in a reflection of the power and influence of these sounds many of the complex rhythms were to have a profound impact on the other side of the Atlantic on rhythms as popular as Blues, Jazz, Cuban and Brazilian music.
Two Vodun rhythms dominate the music of Orchestre Poly-Rythmo: Sato, an amazing, energetic rhythm performed using an immense vertical drum, and Sakpata, a rhythm dedicated to the divinity who protects people from smallpox. Both rhythms are represented here mixed in with Funk, Soul, Crazy organ sounds and Psychedelic guitar riffs. Bandleader Melome Clement explains: “Sato is a traditional rhythm derived from Vodun. It is used in Benin during annual rituals in memory of the dead; you can’t just play Sato at any given time. Sato is also the name of a drum which is used during the ceremonies. It’s huge: about 175 centimeters high. The drummers, armed with sticks, dance around it and hit it all at the same time. It’s very coordinated. The Sato drummers are backed by an orchestra of smaller drums and shakers. We also did some modern versions of a Vodun rhythm called Sakpata. ‘Mi Ni Non Kpo’ and ‘Houi Djein Na Da’ are Sakpatas, which in Fon means "god of the Earth".
None of these tracks (except one –Mawa Mon Nou Mio) has been distributed outside Benin before. These obscure coastal labels had a small distribution range, that barely reached beyond the outskirts of Cotonou or Porto Novo. Because of financial considerations most, if not all, of these recordings had very limited pressings that rarely exceeded one thousand copies total and many labels rarely produced more than 500 copies of any given record.
The music in this compilation is not only extremely rare, but illustrates how Orchestre Poly-Rhythmo with the support of a number of local record labels, thrived by mixing the coolest parts of funk, soul, latin and vodun rhythms into a new sound that not only reflected the musical culture and heritage of Benin, but also transformed it and turned the small country into such an incredible musical melting pot.
In the 44-page booklet, full of rare photographs and record covers, Analog Africa introduces three important producers who were collectively responsible for some of the most amazing music released in Benin: Gratien K. Aissy of the Echos Sonores du Dahomey label, Bernard Dohounzo of Disques Tropiques, Lawani Affissoulayi of Aux Ecoutes (the label behind El Rego & Ses Commandos’s fame) as well as en encounter in Niamey with Honliasso Barnabé, Poly-Rythmo´s Producer in Niger. Samy Ben Redjeb also interviewed Vincent Ahehehinnou, the man responsible for composing some of the funkiest stuff ever to come out of Benin, and Kineffo Michel, the sound engineer of Poly-Rythmo’s legendary Nagra "home" recordings.
This fourth Analog Africa release of forgotten musical gems from 70s Africa was once again lovingly compiled by label boss and vinyl collector Samy Ben Redjeb, driven by the wish to keep this extraordinary music alive.
(Some tracks can be heard in full HERE)
1. Mi Homlan Dadalé
2. Assibavi
3. Se We Non Nan
4. Ako Ba Ho
5. Mi Ni Non Kpo
6. Se Tche We Djo Mon
7. Dis Moi La Verité
8. Nouessename
9. Iya Me Dji Ki Bi Ni
10. Akoue Tche We Gni Medjome
11. Nou De Ma Do Vo
12. Koutoulie
13. Kourougninda Wende
14. Mawa Mon Nou Mio
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What's happening? college-related only
At first my classmates were acting like strangers getting me really angry at them.. then *my dear Christian classmate finally started coming to college and upon complaining about the others' behavior to him, they immediately got back to normal and started acting like before..!
One thing that really upsets me about them is that they seem to consider lying to the prof. as a very normal, and very necessary thing. Also anybody who opposes them would be a traitor and a self-centered person. Now this is not the case with everyone, but the others don't act against it.
In general, and though I don't have enough experience to judge the year, I'd like to think that this year will be as enjoyable as my first year... Last year I had lost most of the fun by worrying and exaggerating things. This year I'm getting a bit careless when it comes to how I do in quizzes or how tidy my homework looks, also I'm trying to take it easy when I do not understand the lecture..
The subjects I like the most so far are:
*Microprocessors: The prof. is amazing.. Many people have a charming smile but none smiles so generously. My attention is divided between enjoying the smile and listening to him so competently explaining the lecture, which I really enjoy.
*DSP: The lecturer is a female, an amazing woman: intelligent, elegant, confident and beautiful. The material is enjoyable, it seems.. very similar to another I've taken last year, which I enjoyed very much.
*Control: The prof. is very capable and competent but tends to make us feel like little helpless incapable thingies that can't do a single thing! He's a challenge. I still like him though. The material looks enjoyable but older students say it gets really tough.
*Digital Communications: we still haven't taken enough lectures to judge the material or the lecturer but I am hoping it would be nice.
The remaining two subjects fall as victims to the incompetence of their lecturers who both tend to write a lot on the blackboard and do very little of explaining, I wish one of the other knowledgeable professors would attend one lecture of these and see how they go.
I understand that many of our competent staff have left the country.. but we're going to be the staff one day and it wouldn't be pretty if that's the way we're going to learn.
Now these are only two subjects so I'm not very pessimistic.. but I'm not optimistic either, at all.
Oh, and I almost forgot, there's lab, which seems to be easier than last year.. I can't stop smiling during the experiment!
On another note, I've gained 3 kilos since last year and have decided to maintain this weight.. finally! My appetite has gotten much better as I started taking multi-vitamins and minerals, with dad's consent of course. Also I'm sleeping much better (thanks to allergy pills), my classroom is in the ground floor, and most of the days we finish the lectures by 1:30 PM. In short, college life has gotten much easier than last year.
*Few days before college started, violent coward acts were committed towards the Christian people in Mosul causing many to leave the city.. At the beginning of this week some of the Christian students and employees in the university started coming back to college.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The "Is Hot Cool or Cool Hot?" Cupcake
Ancho chiles and cayane pepper imbue these Chocolate Ancho Chile Cupcakes... and the Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting with avery nice...what can I say...warmth in your mouth!
Believe me, I haven't just been lying around these past few weeks not making cupcakes!! In fact, I've made Brownie Cupcakes with Mocha Frosting, Vanilla Cupcakes with Lemonade Frosting and, these warm, then hot cupcakes.
Work has just been so crazy that I didn't have time to post anything! We've just launched three new web sites at Maryland and had this many meetings...endless meetings.
And, I have my first professional cupcake gig for a wedding that's going to be in February for 200 cupcakes. Today we have a cupcake tasting! I was very nervous but they loved the cupcake samples. The wedding will be in the chapel at the University of Maryland ... how appropriate...and Testudo will be in attendance!
If you would like to give these cupcakes a shot, you can find it here.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Ills of Big Pharma? What if there were a cure - right now - to save your life and you couldn't get it?
It appears the Drug Company with the potential cure is trying to block its use.
In what can only be defined as a miracle in timing, a few days ago, one of his doctors who has been studying his tumor cells in the lab for years found an antibody with an exact match: Tysabri which is manufactured by your company, Biogen Idec. In the test tube, it attached to the antigens on the surface of the tumor 100%.
Though the drug has never been used before in this way, and because time is running out, the head of the FDA, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach has granted special approval for use of the drug for this purpose but you have personally decided “no”.
Help Andrew if you can - he says how in his post.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Quinn Swims From Angel Island (And It Wasn't Even On Fire)
Our part-aquatic friends the Woodheads continue to make their mark in the chilly world of open water swimming. Here's eight-year-old Quinn finally coming up for air, a towel, and age-group winning honors after swimming from Angel Island (San Francisco Bay) to Tiburon. He's gearing up for more Alcatraz shenanigans next.
This was the Founding Moment of a Social Movement on Privacy
I don't have time for an exhaustive report right now, so I just quote the press release of the "Freedom not Fear" network from Sunday:
Yesterday, the first worldwide protests against surveillance measures such as the collection of all telecommunications data, the surveillance of air travellers and the biometric registration of citizens were held under the motto "Freedom not Fear - Stop the surveillance mania!". In at least 15 countries citizens demanded a cutback on surveillance, a moratorium on new surveillance powers and an independent evaluation of existing surveillance powers. "A free and open society cannot exist without unconditionally private spaces and communications", explains an international memorandum.
In Berlin the greatest protest march against surveillance in Germany's history took place: Participants in the 2 km long, peaceful protest march carried signs reading "You are Germany, you are a suspect", "No Stasi 2.0 - Constitution applicable here", "Fear of Freedom?" and "Glass citizens, brittle democracy".
Apart from related music tracks, loud chants of "Belittle it today, be under surveillance tomorrow" or "We are here and we are loud because they are stealing our data" could be heard. During the protests, which were supported by more than 100 civil liberties groups, professional associations, unions, political parties and other organisations, artists played parodies on surveillance society.
In their final speeches in front of the Brandenburg Gate, the organisers called for political consequences: padeluun of civil liberties group FoeBuD said that in view of the mass protests politicians needed to react now and repeal the blanket retention of all telecommunications data introduced in 2006. Patrick Breyer of Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung presented a five point plan according to which surveillance should be reduced, existing laws should be evaluated and plans for new surveillance measures should be halted. In the course of a "new, freedom-loving security policy" specific preventive measures such as youth projects should be invested in and the "real problems" of people such as poverty and education should be focused on. Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes of Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung announced further action and invited participants to join parties held in seven participating clubs in Berlin under the motto "The long night of surveillance".
In other countries, the following events took place in the course of yesterday's "Freedom not Fear day": Protest event with music and several art performances in Den Haag, lectures in Rome, surveillance camera mapping in Madrid, art performances in front of Parliament in Vienna, protest rallies in Paris, Prague, Sofia and Stockholm, the distribution of privacy software in Kopenhagen, informative events in Guatemala City and Buenos Aires as well as a light projection onto Toronto's Town Hall. In London, the construction of a surveillance state was protested by creating a massive collage of photos on Parliament Square showing the prime minister and the action day's motto "Freedom not Fear".
Before the action day, Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung had warned of a "surveillance avalanche in Germany": According to the group, the German parliament has tightened surveillance and control over citizens at least 21 times in the past 10 years. At least 18 more surveillance proposals are presently on the political agenda, for example the blanket collection of air traveller's data and the transfer of personal data to the US.
More reports, videos etc. are here.Saturday, October 11, 2008
India Habitat Centre (New Delhi): Ramesh Terdal
His expressions through creative mediums are the form of an inward journey. It reflects how he conceive his existing potentials and true towards life .Ramesh Terdal started his journey with inward flow of light (journey through life) as his subject of paintings which belongs to every walk of life voilant mind,cruel gunman image,exposing bodys,they made their body as a earning source to exposing body ,black shadows over society,superemo image, power dominated image,how passion inter built with once day to day life, imbalance society. a struggle that is existing within the complexity life.India is a country where life and struggle is not rolling in a parallel way but it is an endless zigzag competition of living. Where lives are continuously struggling with unknown anxiety, fear and heat this struggle/juggling I am finding hope of smile metaphore of kid,infant,in innocent faces, once he said.
His work, for quite some time, has found inspiration / borrows motifs from the mass media. The black and white photographic images adopt a documentary style of address, presenting a snippet of everyday reality, such as we would be likely to find in a newspaper or magazine clipping. Apart from this stencils, and advertisements, Magazines, cut out figures and billboard hoardings. The cutout has become a vehicle for him to transport populations to different localities and diverse societies. It also helps him to look at the social fabric today. After all what is our social structure? What relationships are we building up within our society ?He said, “I do not believe in concrete structures like the state and religion. They are both artificial entities. In reality there are no marked boundaries it is a palimpsest.”
Painting is his passion and journey ,so for,has been quite and eventful. There are things to learn,unlearn and learn every day,as an aspiring art practitioner we have social responsibility on us there is lot to learn things around us; keeping these things in to mind that we have to convey the society about right and wrong i fallow my heart and paint for society.
Ramesh believe that all art reflects on ones own ideal state of beauty and he look at it as a concept of personal transformation. Ramesh’s work has therefore a certain meditative connotation, as it strives to uncover an ideal of harmony and stability that remains however, forever ephemeral.
Last year we became a sponsor of the STANDUP-SPEAKOUT Artshow, Organized by Art Of Living Foundation and United Nations.Organized an International Contenmporary Art Exhibition including artists from USA, The Nederlands, Pakistan and India.We have also participated at Art Expo India 2008 Mumbai and India Art Summit 2008 New Delhi.
Palin Found Guilty of Ethics Violation & Abuse of Power
Brian Ross of ABC News reports that investigator Stephen Branchflower determined that while Sarah and Todd Palin's desire to have their former brother-in-law fired was not the only reason for Walt Monegan's sacking, it was part of the justification for it, and that made the move unethical and illegal.
I have read the 263-page Branchflower report from start to finish. These are its major findings:
Finding Number One:
For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides
“The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.”
Finding Number Two:
I find that, although Walt Monegan’s refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.
Finding Number Three:
Harbor Adjustment Service of Anchorage, and its owner Ms. Murleen Wilkes, handled Trooper Michael Wooten’s workers’ compensation claim properly and in the normal course of business like any other claim processed by Harbor Adjustment Service and Ms. Wilkes. Further, Trooper Wooten received all the workers’ compensation benefits to which he was entitled.
Finding Number Four:
The Attorney General’s office has failed to substantially comply with my August 6, 2008, written request to Governor Sarah Palin for information about the case in the form of emails.
More from Bloomberg:
"Governor Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda, to wit: To get Trooper Michael Wooten fired,'' according to the report issued today in Anchorage.
Even so, the report said Palin's firing in July of former state Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, who had refused to fire Wooten, was a "proper and lawful exercise'' of her wide authority to fire department heads for any reason. Monegan contends the governor dismissed him for refusing to fire Wooten, who was involved in a divorce and custody battle with Palin's sister.
Violation of the ethics act could result in sanctions, such as a fine, by a state ethics board, lawmakers said.
Members of the Legislative Council voted 12-0 to release the report even though there wasn't agreement on the findings, lawmakers said.
"I don't think there is a consensus on the conclusions,'' said Representative Bill Stoltze.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A bold new vision for research networks in Europe
To plan, provide and manage an advanced networking infrastructure interconnecting NRENs via a hybrid optical interconnect that includes GÉANT3 backbone links, direct Cross-Border-Fibres (CBF) and global connections.
To develop and support an agreed upon portfolio of multi-domain services enabling NREN Operators to manage secure and reliable networking solutions across the extended European Research Area and beyond, around the globe.
.. we are witnessing the emergence of a multitude of user-driven virtual networks and this trend may be considered as a new paradigm shift. GÉANT3 should evolve as a network factory with the network itself being an entity capable to create/host complex objects made of circuits and nodes, enabling community oriented services. Summarizing, there will be a constant need to
evaluate the significance of advanced technology without compromising the production quality of the GÉANT3 service portfolio.
The network infrastructures are becoming increasingly important with the deployment of services that deliver advanced capabilities to the end users through the network. It is expected that the High Performance Computing community, including growing Grid initiatives and fertilized by the emerging Cloud Computing concept will continue to exploit the opportunities that access to high speed networks brings.
Architecturally, the general adoption of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) will allow the integration of services from many different providers creating a vibrant and competitive set of offerings built on top of the network.
R&E networking is by nature multi-domain, thus services must be established across confederate (loosely coupled) administrative domains: Campuses, NRENs and International interconnections. The latter include GÉANT3 backbone links, Cross-Border-Fibres (CBFs) and connections with global peers. Expedited, eventually automated multi-domain management is an area where our community will continue innovating, triggered by pressing end-user requirements and profiting from the web of trust amongst partner NRENs and their global peers.
Back to College
During Ramadan few of my friends had very hard circumstances that they're still suffering from. My friend's brother got kidnapped, was returned afterwards but now he's left outside Iraq to be sure of his safety. Another friend is living in a very gloomy atmosphere after the death of her cousin and the serious sickness of his brother. I am very bad at dealing with such situations and have no idea how to make any of them feel better which makes me feel quite helpless.
Then came Eid.. This Eid was very refreshing since for the past two years we didn't get to visit many houses as we usually do because we had grandpa (God's mercy be on him) and grandma (who's moved to the UAE and is enjoying her time now) at our house and were a main attraction of visitors rather than visiting people ourselves. Also, we had new friends to visit, those we have made in our trip to Turkey, and it was fun to see them again and talk about the journey and what's after.
This Monday was the first day of my new year as a junior is college. See how fast time goes! I was excited and fully charged to start the new year. I have forgotten so much of what I've studied in the past two years and would like to get it back!
We spent the first day chatting and congratulating the professors and our friends on Eid.. catching up with what's happened and observing the changes the vacation has made. We didn't take any lessons, and were told to come and get our books on Wednesday.
I didn't go to college today, because judging by the look of things yesterday we will only be wasting our time and have nothing done. Tomorrow I'll get my books.. I can't wait!
The male students got me really bothered yesterday, acting as if they don't even know us. Only two, maybe three, bothered to say hello!
This year is going to be my first in college without my cousin and his friends who have graduated. It feels a bit lonely already :(
We have a new building for our dept. (Communication engineering department) this year. The college started with one building and is slowly expanding to four buildings (one for each department and one for the deanery and administration) and we're only short by one now which I expect will be ready by next year. I love the new building, it's mostly blue (my favorite color) and is still very clean. Some of my friends think it's depressing and feels like a hospital, but I like it.
I still haven't met our professors who will be teaching us this year. That's my main concern, because seniors' talking about few wasn't very promising and I've had a bad experience with our new Eng. Analysis professor last year, which I really don't want to repeat.
1. The Bug - Lost Flying Lotus remix (Ninja Tune)
2. Kode9 & LD - 2Bad (Hyperdub)
3. Martyn - Vancouver 2562's Puur Natuur Dub (3024)
4. Kenny Larkin - Vibin' (Planet E)
5. Mike Slott - Deux Three ft. Muhsinah (All City)
6. Martyn - KRDL-T-GRV (3024)
7. Samiyam - Grapesicles (Warp)
8. Scuba - The Upside Martyns Down mix (Hotflush)
9. Omar S - Blade Runner (FXHE)
10. Kerri Chandler - Fortran (Argy's 6:23 mix) (Deeply Rooted House)
What music is all about to me..
"I been working at a youth centre for young people at risk of homelessness. Quite a lot of them are sleeping rough and the others are in hostels. I started a music project a couple months ago which has been going down well- dj'ing and mc'ing. Yesterday it all got proper rowdy and they were all cussing each other so after giving them a last warning I decided we needed to get away from the grime and bring it down a bit. I put on 'Natural Selection' expecting them to all cuss - no disrespect but they all like the aggy grime beats. It changed everything man, they were proper in it and the whole vibe changed, all chatting about their life and the proper hardship they're going thru. just thought i'd let u know coz i thought it would have made u haps to see. Definitely bringing in more of the deeper dubstep in for them. Anyways nuff respects, can't get enough of your music, seriously soothin on the soul."