Saturday, May 2, 2009

Say NO to international fascist terrorism and the intention of splitting Bolivia apart!

Initiated by Consejo Pro Bolivia en la Union Europea

Background (Preamble)

The democratic vocation and tenacity of the Bolivian people is being nowadays assaulted by an international network of fascist mercenaries. These hired guns have already shown their destructive capacity in the now sad war of balkanizing Yugoslavia. Their violent means of destruction is being now used to destroy and balkanize one of the poorest countries of the Western hemisphere (yet, incredible rich in natural resources): Bolivia.


The First Republic of Bolivia has been founded in 1825 following the discussions of a tiny ‘enlightened’ minority, descendants from the Spaniard Conquistadores and the emerging local oligarchy. The state thusly created followed norms and principles of feudal Spain and resulted in an Apartheid-like state, reflecting 333 years of Colonial rule. It is not surprising, then, that the state inherited by the current administration finds excruciating opposition from those desperately holding to the three classical powers of liberal democracy.

In spite of this ever-increasing violent resistance, the Bolivian people, organized in grassroots social organizations and movements has decided to re-found a democratic and plurinational state in which all citizens will fully enjoy their rights.

The democratic vocation and tenacity of the Bolivian people is being nowadays assaulted by an international network of fascist mercenaries. These hired guns have already shown their destructive capacity in the now sadly war of balkanizing Yugoslavia. Their violent means of destruction is being now used to destroy and balkanize one of the poorest countries of the Western hemisphere (yet, incredible rich in natural resources): Bolivia.

This small country has shown over and over again to the world that it is not willing to get back to an odious past where a tiny minority plundered the state coffers and governed dictated by foreign interests. The recently approved new constitution of Bolivia is unique in the history of mankind by making wars illegal. This should suffice to show to the world the pacific nature of Bolivian people.

We make an appeal to all those that keep their spirits attuned to justice, to honouring our Mother Earth, to respecting our future generations, accompany and stand for our true democratic vocation in Bolivia. Vis-à-vis these violent forces, our democracy could be very fragile and brittle. This is so when we take into account the recurrent terrorist attacks in the Eastern part of our country. This past April 16th we were astonished to learn the dismantling of a terrorist cell already operating in the country led by the Bolivian-Hungarian-Croatian Eduardo Rózsa Flores, the Irish Michael Dwyer Martin and the Hungarian-Rumanian Magyarosi Arpak, who where killed in a confrontation with police forces in a downtown hotel in Santa Cruz. Two others were captured alive from the intense exchange of fire: Bolivian-Croatian Mario Tadik and Hungarian Elot Tóasó.

At the same time we want to forcefully condemn the cover-up of this terrorist mission by the Hungarian journalist Andras Kepes who interviewed the leader of the terrorist cell Rózsa Flores a few days he departed to Bolivia, announcing his intentions of dividing Bolivia. You, the reader of this letter, are a key part of defending the process by which Bolivians are recuperating their voices and are proudly marching towards their history. Share this letter with your friends, acquaintances and networks. You can also ask your local political representatives in your local community and in your home country. If you can think of any other institutions / organizations that could show their solidarity with the determination of the Bolivian people to live in democracy, let them know that this effort is against the reign of terrorism, cover-up and injustice.

To sign the petition click here

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