And while we enjoy channels as much as the next snarky blog editor, we’d like to remind everyone that the medium is not the message if the message is crap. You need content, delivered through the best channel, to succeed.
Let’s consider this Twitter pitch gone awry posted to TweetFreak by Brian Morrissey.
”Twitter is a great place for a random, ongoing conversation, but it's a bit much to expect that you can just show up at a cocktail party and start probing people with questions.”
Twitter may be the perfect place for you to pitch a story, but you still need a story. And as Morrissey points out, you also need to serve it up properly…using the right channel.
Don't get hypnotized by the shiny new or you might catch social media disease. And then you'll need ointment and one of those lamp shade collars to get rid of the resulting rash. Trust us, it's not pretty.
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