Laermer has jury duty. So while he does his civic duty, we’re waiting to put a fine point on our point-counterpoint posts. In the meantime, I have to rant and wonder WTF some publicists are thinking when they pitch around celebrity death.
If we’ve posted about this once, we’ve posted about it at least three times in the past. We’re getting tired of it and refuse to create The Dead Pitch Blog -- even though brand extensions are in and there seems to be a sad amount of fodder through the years for this macabre project.
Unfortunately there are some low-class, no-class publicity hounds willing to do anything to get their clients ink.
Dr. Drew -- Surgeon General Compared to These SourcesOur worst pitch was sent as a pondering email: “Michael Jackson - Death or simply 'Put to Sleep?'” Upon further investigation we learn that this person’s client is three steps removed from the pitch. It starts with Michael Jackson and leads to a Dr. you assume is being pitched as the client/source – but no.
“After reading this, I knew I'd found the right man to discuss Mr. Jackson's addiction to opiates, and asked him for a face-to-face interview. Dr. NAME, himself, has never treated Michael Jackson directly, but because of his extensive knowledge of addiction, and detoxification - I thought he'd have some cogent and perceptive thoughts on Mr. Jackson's life, addiction and death. Also, because of Dr. NAME extensive work with addicts at CLIENT, I was curious to hear about how Mr. Jackson's wealth and power might have played a role in his active addiction while living and, in his subsequent death.”
How’s that for a weak link? Not to mention it is wrong on so many levels. Is anyone else wondering why someone would pitch THESE sources to US?
But wait, there’s more! We were also sent this one from a similarly offended recipient.
“Michael Jackson's Fatal Demerol Addiction No Surprise to CBS Personality and Previous Addict” This pitch ends with this strategic insight: CLIENT is ready, as a guest, to begin talking about the anticipated toxicology — while everyone is still reporting on "heart attack."
I Want a New Pitch*If this is your idea of timely pitching, you need to stop chasing ambulances and study up on good taste. And we didn’t out any of the above thick skulled ass hats as they probably think all Google Juice is good Google Juice and wouldn’t get the point of this post. >/rant<
With apologies to the book, and the song and -- most of all -- the families of all of the deceased.
Each war is different, each war is the same uploaded by kevindooley
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